Is Invisalign Faster Than Braces?

Is Invisalign Faster Than Braces? - Title

Multiple studies have been done by orthodontic experts over the past two decades asking the question: Is Invisalign faster than braces?

Here is the answer: yes, Invisalign is faster than braces.

A study completed in 2005 showed that Invisalign patients finished treatment faster than traditional braces patients. 

By 2017, the Invisalign results were even better. The experts reported that clear aligners like Invisalign have a significant advantage over braces as the fastest treatment option.

So how is Invisalign faster than braces? And will your smile results be as perfect and complete as those other treatment options that take more of your valuable time?

We’ve got the answers for you. Plus we’ll share 3 proven tips for getting Invisalign results even faster than average – even 2x faster than average (sometimes more).

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What Works Faster Braces or Invisalign?

Alright, so the studies show that Invisalign is faster than braces overall. But what about progress at the beginning of treatment? Which one – braces or Invisalign – will start getting you progress the fastest?

Answers you’ll find online will vary. Here’s the full story…

Braces are often faster to start once you make your treatment decision. In some cases, you can start braces the same day you decide. Invisalign’s clear aligners are customized to your specific smile, so they must be ordered, custom-made, and shipped – meaning that it may take a few weeks for you to be able to start treatment.

For that reason, many doctors will tell you that braces work faster than Invisalign. But that’s a little misleading if you ask us. Here’s why.

Braces are not custom-made for you. They can be customized to your smile, but that doesn’t happen ahead of time like with Invisalign. Your doctor must do this with small adjustments during your treatment – slowing things down.

The end result? Your progress can take longer to be noticeable at the beginning of treatment and happens more slowly throughout treatment. With Invisalign, once you start, results come quickly.

How quickly?

It depends on where you go in Vancouver for Invisalign treatment. At most practices in Vancouver, you’ll see Invisalign results a little bit faster and a little bit earlier than you would with braces.

But you can do better than a little bit faster. It’s possible to see results with Invisalign a lot faster.

What Works Faster Braces or Invisalign? - Average Treatment Times for Braces vs. Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign at Dr. Peter Brawn
Invisalign at Radiant Smiles is up to 2x faster than average treatment times for Invisalign and Braces at other orthodontists in Vancouver.

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How Fast Does Invisalign Work?

With Invisalign at Radiant Smiles, our patients regularly see Invisalign work up to 2x faster than average treatment times. How fast Invisalign works for you can be a lot faster at Radiant Smiles than other places in Vancouver.

We’ve tracked how quickly patients see results in their treatment and compared them to the current average for orthodontic patients in Canada. And the difference is really clear.

For patients at Radiant Smiles, most of your treatment progress has already happened by 4 months into treatment. If you have a mild case, the results can be even better.

For patients at most other orthodontists in Vancouver, your results at 4 months will be much less visible. By month 4, you’ve still got a long way to go in your treatment.

How Long Will it Take to Start Seeing Results with Invisalign? Less than 4 months at Dr. Peter Brawn

So while you can often start braces faster, it’s misleading to say that braces work faster than Invisalign.

The speed at which you can see results with Invisalign once you start treatment is much faster than braces. And it doesn’t take much time at all for your Invisalign treatment progress to quickly catch up and pass the progress you’d have with braces – even with the head start.

If you want to save yourself a ton of time in treatment and see results much faster than most people, get a free consultation for Invisalign in Half the Time today.

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How is Invisalign Faster than Braces?

The dental experts are clear: Invisalign is faster than traditional braces. What makes it possible? Here are the keys to accelerated Invisalign results.

1 – Invisalign Treatment is Personalized

With Invisalign, your doctor can walk you through an entire detailed and personalized treatment plan for your specific smile during your initial consultation (at Radiant Smiles, your consult is completely free).

Unlike Invisalign, braces treatment cannot be pre-planned and pre-personalized in the same way. Why not?

Invisalign Smile Simulation

2 – Invisalign Aligners are Custom-Made For You

This is a key difference between braces and Invisalign, and a major reason that Invisalign is faster than braces when it comes to teeth straightening.

Invisalign’s clear, plastic aligners are custom-made for your teeth. Braces are not custom-made. So your doctor will have to take the time during treatment to slowly customize the braces to your teeth. The process is trial and error and takes time, even for the most experienced experts.

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3 – It’s Possible to Get Even More Out of Invisalign (A Lot More)

At Radiant Smiles, our patients get even more progress out of Invisalign.

If stats speak to you, here are the numbers. Patients at Radiant Smiles:

  • Finish treatment 2x faster than average Invisalign patients in Vancouver
  • Enjoy up to 75% less discomfort than typical orthodontics
  • Save time with half the appointments you’d be required to attend elsewhere

In short, at Radiant Smiles you’ll enjoy faster treatment and better results all for a competitive price (or less) than you might find at other orthodontic offices in Vancouver. You can literally save yourself months, if not years, in treatment.

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Every case is different, and your treatment time will depend on how complex your case is. If you want to know how long your Invisalign treatment will take, come in for a consultation today. We’d love to help you feel confident about your decision. We won’t pressure you into starting treatment and you’ll walk away with all the answers you need to make your own choice.

Invisalign just got faster
3 ways to get Invisalign in Vancouver up to 2x faster.

3 Ways to Get Results with Invisalign Faster

We promised you proven tips for getting Invisalign results fast. Here they are. If you want the full scoop, read our recent blog post: 3 Ways to Get Straight Teeth With Invisalign Fast.

1. Eat with Your Invisalign On

The more you actively use your teeth with your aligners on, the faster your teeth-straightening will go. And during meals is when your teeth are at their absolutely most active point. So, yes, we recommend eating with Invisalign on to speed up treatment.

We have real use cases that prove eating with your Invisalign aligners in can speed up your treatment. Come in for a free Invisalign consultation and ask us about them. We’ll share them with you.

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2. Remote Monitoring

A lot of doctors still operate the way they were taught: in-person appointments are the only way to monitor progress. That’s outdated now.

You don’t have to settle for orthodontic treatment that requires an in-person appointment anytime your doctor wants to monitor progress.

Find a doctor who uses remote monitoring technology, like Dental Monitoring, to monitor your progress without skipping a beat in your treatment. The technology allows them to follow your treatment at a pixel-level, even better than the naked eye. You’ll get faster progress with less wasted time.

3. OrthoPulse

We saved the best for last. This one tip can cut your treatment time in half.

Here it is: find an Invisalign doctor who offers OrthoPulse.

OrthoPulse Device

It is a small device that uses very low-intensity light therapy to gently accelerate tooth movement. It’s clinically proven and patient approved. We’ve been using it for years. Combined with Invisalign, it can get you results up to 2x faster. 

Is Invisalign Faster than Braces?

Now you know the answer 🙂 

Yes, Invisalign really is faster than braces. And at Radiant Smiles, it can be up to 2x faster.

If you’re ready to see your best smile and don’t want to wait around for years, Invisalign in Half the Time is for you. Come in for a free consultation today and we’ll make sure you know everything you need to confidently make the best decision for you, no hidden fees or secret catches. We’re here to help.

And the next time you hear someone ask, Is Invisalign faster than braces?, you’ll know exactly what to say.

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Accelerated Invisalign

Invisalign in Half the Time

Get your great smile 50% faster and enjoy reduced office visits with accelerated Invisalign at Radiant Smiles in Vancouver.
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The most advanced clear aligner system in the world, now in half the time.

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  • Virtually invisible
  • Comfortable and easily removable clear aligners
  • Eat normally
  • Normal brushing and flossing
  • More than 5 million patients treated worldwide