Average Invisalign Treatment Times

It ought to be easy for you to find out how long Invisalign treatment takes on average for a typical case. 

Sure, we all understand that every case is unique, but surely by now doctors and orthodontists have seen enough cases for us to have clear answers to what you can expect with Invisalign treatment.

We believe that you deserve clear, simple answers to your Invisalign questions. So we’ve done the research for you. At Radiant Smiles, you don’t have to guess at how long treatment will take – we create a customized treatment plan for you at the very beginning of treatment, complete with your timeline.

Most of our patients finish treatment in about 9 months. You’ll get accelerated Invisalign results for your smile through a process designed entirely around delivering you a great smile. We use clinically-proven technology that is proven in studies to deliver more progress and less discomfort. It’s a win-win.

Here’s everything you need to know about average treatment times at Dr. Brawn and how they compare to other places today.

Average Invisalign Treatment Times

Two of the most referenced studies on the length of Invisalign treatment were done by Dr. Garret Djeu et al in 2005, and Dr. Zheng and a team of doctors in 2017.

The 2005 study found that the average time of treatment was 16.9 months. In 2017, Dr. Zheng and team found that the time of average Invisalign treatment had lengthened to be about 17.5 months. 

Does that mean that you should expect your Invisalign treatment today to take about 1.5 years, and maybe as long as 2 years? Actually, no, there’s good news. 

It’s entirely possible to save huge amounts of time in your treatment and see results up to 2x faster than the average patient treatment times above. Our patients enjoy these great results regularly at Radiant Smiles. In fact, most of them finish treatment in as little as 9 months.

And to prove we aren’t cherry-picking the best cases, we chose our most recently completed 43 cases and studied the results to share them with you.

In a recent analysis, the average time of Invisalign treatment for the 43 most recently completed patients at Radiant Smiles was 8.4 months

That’s less than half (48%) of the average case time from the two published studies above. Or in other words, over 2x faster than the average Invisalign smile results you’d see elsewhere.

Here’s a chart that shows, in months, the length of Invisalign treatment for the two studies vs. Radiant Smiles. The orange bar shows when you would finish treatment in half the time, on average, of the two studies.

Invisalign Treatment Average Length
Invisalign Treatment over 2x faster

Treatment That Saves You Time

There’s another chart you need to see. This one shows you how much time you save in Invisalign treatment versus braces.

Invisalign Treatment Time Saved
Get Back Almost 10 Months of Time With Invisalign at Radiant Smiles

Since 2017 reported the longest treatment time on average, that becomes the baseline group. If you could go back in time to 2005 and get the average treatment then, you’d save yourself almost 1.5 months in treatment.

Not bad, but that’s nothing in comparison to how much time you can save today at Radiant Smiles

Our patients save, on average, nearly 10 months in treatment from their average peers who go elsewhere for Invisalign and braces. 

The truth is, that number is probably even higher. Some of our orthodontic practitioner friends in the United States are telling us that the average orthodontic treatment now takes about 24-27 months today. 

Don’t be held back by average Invisalign treatment results. Get your great smile up to 2x faster and take back control of your valuable time.

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Note: Everyone’s case and treatment plan are different. More complicated cases require significantly more time, regardless of where you go. Wearing your aligners and following Dr. Brawn’s guidance is crucial for seeing results. Only a consultation and personalized treatment plan from Dr. Brawn will provide you with a timeline customized to your unique case.


Accelerated Invisalign

Invisalign in Half the Time

Get your great smile 50% faster and enjoy reduced office visits with accelerated Invisalign at Radiant Smiles in Vancouver.
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