One question we hear from patients all the time: “How long is it going to take me to get straight teeth with Invisalign?”
We’ll be the first to admit, orthodontic treatment is often long, tedious, and slow on progress. Just about all of us have a friend whose treatment made them ask everyone’s favorite road trip question: “Are we there yet?”
We’ve got good news for you – Invisalign treatment doesn’t have to be a marathon you feel you’re never going to finish. Our patients will tell you – Invisalign can be fast and smooth with great results. In fact, most of our patients finish treatment in about a year. That’s about 2x faster than the industry average of nearly 2 years.
So, as you’re considering straightening your teeth with Invisalign, how can you be sure your treatment won’t drag on? We’re going to tell you exactly what to look for – including something you won’t hear very often and one tip that will single-handedly cut your treatment time in half.
Here are three big things you can do to get straight teeth with Invisalign fast.

How To Get Straight Teeth with Invisalign?
1 – OrthoPulse
We’re giving you the best tip first. It’s way too good to save for later. This one tip can save you literally a year in treatment, maybe even more.
Here it is: find an Invisalign doctor who offers OrthoPulse.
What’s OrthoPulse? We wouldn’t blame you if you’ve never heard of it, but you’re not going to want to forget it.
OrthoPulse is a small, clinically proven device that uses very low-intensity light therapy to gently accelerate tooth movement. Combined with Invisalign, it can reduce your treatment time by 50% or more.
The device looks a lot like an electronic mouthguard, and it’s very simple to use. All it takes is 10-minutes a day, and you’ll significantly increase your speed of progress. What’s better – it actually reduces the amount of discomfort you’ll feel during treatment.
So wait – we’re telling you that your teeth will move much faster AND you’ll experience less discomfort? Yep, you got it!

Pretty great right?
Here’s a shortlist of the big benefits of OrthoPulse:
- Accelerates Invisalign progress by 50% or more
- Decreases treatment length significantly
- Simple to use – 10 minutes a day
- Reduces discomfort noticeably
- Fewer office visits
Speaking of fewer office visits…
2 – Fewer Appointments & Remote Monitoring
For most doctors, in-person appointments are the only way they monitor progress. That’s outdated now. You don’t have to settle for orthodontic treatment that requires an in-person appointment anytime your doctor wants to monitor progress so you can keep moving forward.
There is excellent, proven technology now that allows doctors to monitor much of your progress remotely without skipping a beat in your treatment.
Here are two illustrations for you to show the full impact of this shift to remote monitoring.
Illustration 1: Appointments
We’ll start with a typical practice’s approach to appointments. Most practices have patients in every 4-10 weeks for appointments. What’s that mean?
- They only get 4-week snapshots of your teeth, at best, and can be as infrequent as 10 weeks.
- If you have a quick conventional treatment (18 months), that can still be up to 18 visits.
Compare that to an Invisalign doctor who has adopted remote monitoring and the benefits of fewer appointments. As an example, it’s very common for us to see patients only every 3-4 months (12-16 weeks), sometimes less. Meanwhile, we are:
- Getting regular snapshots of your teeth using Dental Monitoring
- Dental Monitoring captures tooth movement at a PIXEL level – so your treatment quality is assured.
- Monitoring your treatment actively + regularly without you having to come in
- Saving you time, effort, and money by reducing your number of total appointments
By reducing the dependency on in-person appointments and adopting a process that includes remote monitoring, a practice can save you tons of time on your way to straight teeth with Invisalign.
Illustration 2: Aligner Changes
This is a direct product of practices that only monitor your progress in person. Because of that, your aligner changes are very likely going to be quite a bit slower. At a typical practice, aligner changes usually occur every 7-14 days.
Sadly, a lot of patients accept this timeframe as what’s necessary. But you don’t have to settle for that.
It’s completely possible to find a doctor who starts you off by changing aligner sets every 4 days. We know because that’s what we do with nearly all of our patients. Here’s how they felt about their results.
Invisalign treatment often includes dozens of aligner sets. Imagine being in each set for 7-14 days when you could’ve only worn them for 4 days. That is some slow progress.
Faster aligner changes (appropriately) are a product of progress happening much more rapidly. Find a doctor who gets you this kind of progress.
3 – Eat With Your Aligners In
Wait. Isn’t part of the appeal of Invisalign that you don’t have to wear them while you eat?
Definitely! One of the many reasons Invisalign is great is that it allows you the freedom to eat whatever you want, and the flexibility to take your aligners out during meals. All of that is 100% fact, and we are not here to dispute it.
We never tell our patients that eating with your aligners in is a requirement with Invisalign. But, when they ask us what they can do to get straight teeth with Invisalign faster, this is one of the first things we recommend.
If you want to see results faster, this tip might be for you.
A little skeptical that something as small as eating with your aligners in can have a material impact on how fast your treatment goes? We can’t blame you there. But we’ll tell you the same thing we tell our patients – the proof is in the pudding.
The more you actively use your teeth with your aligners in, the better for tooth movement. And there’s hardly anything where your teeth are more active than during meals. We have real use cases that prove eating with your Invisalign aligners in can speed up your treatment. Come in for a free Invisalign consultation and ask us about them. We’ll share them with you.
Worried about dirty aligners?
Wouldn’t aligners get all dirty and gross a whole lot faster from eating with them?
Not necessarily.
Sure, if you tried this just anywhere – with 7-14 days in between changing sets of aligners – your Invisalign would probably be pretty gross by the end of two weeks. But remember, at Radiant Smiles, you’re changing aligner sets every 4 days. So they have very little time to become discolored, gross, and visibly dirty.
Also, remember that Invisalign aligners are completely removable and easy to clean. We encourage patients who are concerned about this to briefly remove their aligners after meals and give them a good clean. We’ll coach you through tips to keep them clean with very little time or effort.
This is a strategy that is completely up to you. You’ll benefit by getting straight teeth with Invisalign faster when you eat with your aligners in. It isn’t for everyone. But if you want a smile you love fast, it might be for you.
Straight Teeth with Invisalign Fast: Conclusion
If you’re ready to get straight teeth with Invisalign and see results fast, end your search and start Invisalign in Half the Time™ today.
Avoid waiting years for a smile you love and spending hours in long orthodontist appointments with minimal progress to show for it. We believe it ought to be easy for everyone to get a smile they love. If you want great Invisalign results without all the hassle and waiting, we have a solution for you.
Get a smile you love 2x faster (or more) with Invisalign at Radiant Smiles.