Dental Monitoring

Dental Monitoring

Avoid wasting time & money. Significantly reduce your number of Invisalign appointments for treatment.

What is Dental Monitoring?

Life is short and your time is valuable, so if we can follow your progress without having you come in, it saves you time, money, and effort. If it also speeds up your treatment, even better!

That’s exactly what you get with Dental Monitoring at Dr. Peter Brawn.

We have you use the DentalMonitoring app to send us photos of your smile from home. The app captures tooth movement on a PIXEL level - even better than we can do with the human eye. We monitor your progress and keep your treatment plan on track with way fewer appointments.

(Takes you to Dental Monitoring website)

What it Means For You

Many orthodontic offices only monitor your progress during in-person appointments. What’s that mean for you? More frequent appointments and slower progress. With Dental Monitoring, we flip the whole equation in your favor - fewer appointments and more progress.

  • Receive more hands-on care, not just in-person
  • Know you’re on track with treatment
  • Enjoy fewer appointments and less hassle
  • Get precise monitoring - better than the human eye
  • Live confidently knowing your personal info is secure
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How It Works


When you proceed with treatment we’ll give a DM ScanBox and set you up with the DentalMonitoring app.


Take photos of your smile from anywhere with the DM ScanBox when prompted & submit in the app.


We’ll review your progress and keep you on track without extra office visits - all handled via the app!


Dental Monitoring: one of many ways we reduce your appointments and increase your Invisalign progress.

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